
"Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears."
--Les Brown

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

This year I am doing something that I do not normally do. I am making New Year's resolutions. I usually don't make New Year's Resolutions for the obvious reasons... no one keeps them. But this year I am feeling rather ambitious and think that resolutions are exactly what I need. No better way to hold myself accountable for my resolutions than to just blog about them so that they are out there. Written down. Proof that I have goals for this year. And a little bit more motivation for actually completing them. So here goes...

1. Living a more healthy life. This will get its entire series of blogs on its own but that is to come...

2. Become a more well rounded parent for Sydney. She is growing so much daily and I need to evolve along with her so that I am making sure to provide her all of the nurturing that she needs. This includes things doing more activities with her, more outside play, more crafty play, more scholastic activities. I think that every parent wants to be this for their kids anyways but I am throwing this into my New Years goals.

3. Become a better spouse for my husband. Honesty time...Over the past few months, Cory and I are learning that our communication is not really where it needs to be. At some times, it plain old sucks. I don't regret the path that our marriage has taken, but we had Sydney *literally* 9 months after our wedding. The kinks of a new marriage still have not been worked out yet and we have the added stress of parenting. Again---I don't complain about this, but it does affect all aspects of our lives. So my goal for this year is to become a better spouse. I would like to become more patient. I have a temper that I want to try to get under control. I get frustrated very easily. I also can't seem to just let an argument die down and come back to discuss it later. I feel this need to continue the argument until it is over right then--solve the problem now. But that is not always possible and I need to accept that and learn a different way to resolve conflicts.

4. Find more outlets to release my nervous and anxious energy. This also fits into the "get more crafty" resolution. I have a lot of scrapbooking supplies, millions of events to scrapbook and I never ever do any of this. I also have a lot of nervous and anxious energy that needs to get released or I will end up taking it out on the people around me. That's how it happens now. So basically taking time for me and reprioritizing the things that matter most to me. I have already started this which is why my Facebook is being deleted. Long story short---if we can't keep in touch outside of a social networking site, then our relationship obviously doesn't really matter. (I will also save $30 a month if I can get rid of my smart phone and take it back old school which brings me to...)

5. Become more financially sound. We are making BIG strides these days in our financial situation. But to make the long story short and to keep it private... I want to become more financially sound for the better of our future.

So I hope that you enjoyed me sharing my New Year's resolutions. Hopefully by writing them out, I am able to check back in time to time and see how I am doing. I hope you also are able to make and hold yourself to your resolutions! Happy New Year!

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