
"Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears."
--Les Brown

Friday, May 18, 2012

It does not get any better than this...

Only have a few minutes to let you in on some quick updates :)

~Sydney had her first picture day at school today...They said she just looked at them blankly like "Why are you people making faces at me like I am some idiot?" So we will see how they turned out.

~Bestie got her wedding pictures back this week...sooooo beautiful! Literally not a single bad one in the bunch... here are just a couple....Thanks to Charlie Gunther Photography...

This weekend I am hoping to get in some relaxation (Yeah Right)!! I guess we will see. We have a hockey game Saturday at 8pm (BE THERE AT SCOPE!) for Game 2 of the Eastern Conference Finals. We are playing so well and I hope it keeps up. And tomorrow morning Sydney and I are going to the Chesapeake Jubilee bright and early to get some outside time in. I am pretty excited. We are also hopefully meeting a friend there that we haven't seen in a while.

Secret time...I have been doing very well working out in the evenings. I havent seen too much (if any) weight loss on the scale but I have actually been doing some pretty good work on the treadmill. Wednesday and Thursday I did a mile in 15 minutes!!! It felt so good. I know 15 minutes is like forever in real people time, but for inactive overweight people, that is doing pretty good. And I never thought I would say this but I actually am starting to enjoy running!!! I am riding this wave as far as I can. I have signed up for a race in October and I have a goal that I would like to obtain for it so I am working hard to get there and preparing in more than enough time (I hope).

And lastly... how can you ever be sad in life when this is your entertainment?? I am so blessed....

1 comment:

  1. Em-

    It's been awhile since I checked in on you! Completely agree with how you are being a parent -- you are very passionate and doing it right! Don't let the media make you crazy! Love that you are "enjoying" running :) Fun! You look beautiful in your bestie's wedding photos. The family looks happy! Come back to Facebook!

