
"Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears."
--Les Brown

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween!!!

So lastly, I have to get a head start on the Halloween update. Tomorrow I will have more but we have been very excited about our year so far when it comes to the Halloween plans. I was dead set on getting a pumpkin this year and really wanted to go pick one out of a pumpkin patch to really get the whole experience of it with Sydney and boy did we have a great time!!

She had such a good time. We really wanted to reward her for being such a good girl that day because this was the same day that we went Yard Sale-ing for the morning. So we really appreciated how good she was that day.

My honest confession--I had never actually carved a pumpkin :( so I had to do some googling to make sure I didnt mess it up and knew that I could probably get a template or pattern or something. Well what I came across was so amazing and it was definitely a "Sydney Pleaser":

If you don't speak "toddler" that is Blue from the show "Blues Clues". He is a favorite in our house and the second Sydney saw the pumpkin she said "Boos Coos?" My life was complete. I met my purpose. I was so excited. I felt like such the cool mommy, I can't lie. And I know my picture up there is blurry, but you can really see the excitement that I was feeling :).

Friday, they were allowed to dress up to school (daycare) and they went trick or treating in the shops around the school. We picked up a very cheap "Pumpkin Witch" costume for the day so that it was no fuss, easy to keep on, and not expensive enough to ruin and be mad about it. It was so cute. Here is Sydney at school with one of her teachers, Kellie.
I was amazed that it stayed on all day. Now for tomorrow we are doing the trick or treating thing and I am soooooooo excited about her costume. I am so excited about it that I am not going to reveal yet what she is going to be. I haven't been keeping it a secret, but if you don't know, its going to be better just to see it. It is just so funny! But I will show you all tomorrow or Tuesday so stay tuned! Have a great Monday!

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