
"Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears."
--Les Brown

Sunday, October 30, 2011

End of October update continued...

So back to the updates :) I am sure if you are reading this, you understand how the time goes when you are living with a toddler. There are no other events that can really go on productively when you have a toddler on the loose. Not that I will ever complain about my responsibilities of being a parent, but it has to be understood that it is very hard to get anything else done around the house when they are in "that" stage of their development. Sometimes it makes me feel like a failure of my other life "duties". Most days I feel like I am the failing at wife duties, household duties, and work duties. The only thing that I usually want to do is devote every ounce of attention to her and that means that cooking, cleaning, and many other things are thrown to the side. Well when they can. Sydney has to eat too so the cooking thing comes through. I find myself getting very tense though and I probably should find some type of creative outlet that is affordable to do but will let me keep my hands busy during the little bit of downtime that I have. Probably wouldn't hurt. I totally wasn't planning on going in that direction during this update, but since my last update thats what has transpired (in about 4 hours time) so I felt the need to vent. That is what a blog is about right?

So rumor has it that most, if not all, young families struggle with finances. I really hope that this is true. Not that I will whine about specific things here and there but we pinch pennies sometimes and I would really hope that this is fairly normal. One thing that I actually have found a little bit of an outlet in is the ability to find a deal at any point in time. I LOVE finding a steal. Coupons or yard sales....love them both. Last Saturday we went out and about looking for yard sales. We had the paper so we definitely branched out and found some and let me tell you---I was so excited. I spent $15 that day and this is all that I got:
I just have to say it...saying that I spent $15 and even just seeing 2 books in the picture is pretty lucky, am I right? Books are so expensive! and Sydney LOVES them. I LOVE that she LOVES books (I was a killer nerd for some books as a kid), but this can be an expensive thing to keep up with. Luckily, you can really find the deals and that way Sydney doesn't have to miss out on a single thing because Mommy is really tight with our finances.

Anyways, on to lighter notes :) If you know my husband...you know that he is very 'specific' about the foods that he eats. Ever since we first met I have been trying to get him to try Pierce's BBQ in Williamsburg, VA. They have the BEST BBQ I have ever had in my life. Well, Cory is from Texas so he begs to differ on that fact. And he also says that he eats BBQ in Texas but I have NEVER seen him eat it ever---in the entire time that I have known him. Long story short, I got him to try it finally. And he loved every minute of it. And I loved every minute of the experience as well. As weird as it is to say, it was some of the best comic relief that we have had in a really long time. This is his first bite...look at how scared he was!!! But he loved it so that is the only part that matters.

So as it is the end of October we are now in full swing getting ready for our Thanksgiving trip to Dallas. Last year we went for Christmas and this year we are going for Turkey Day. It is really important that we get down there to see Cory's family. We miss them so much during the year and wish that we could go down there a LOT more. But with finances and everything that goes into it, it gets tough. But we are very very very excited for this trip. We are going for one of the longest trips we have been on yet so its going to be some good quality time. I am still waiting for some of the time off of work, but I am thinking that with the way things are going that I should not have much difficulty. But we are planning on catching some great sports events while we are there if everything works out. First up would be the Thanksgiving day Cowboys game between the 'Boys and the Lions. That is like monumental right!? We are hoping so. We are also going to check out a Dallas Stars game on Black Friday. Very exciting. But overall, its going to be a very exciting November. Cory is going to a Carolina Hurricane game with the "guys" on the 12th and then all of the Thanksgiving month activities. So it should be a good month! Hope it is for all of you as well!

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