
"Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears."
--Les Brown

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Wait.... Was that an earthquake??

So I am sure by now everyone has heard that we had an Earthquake here on the East Coast today. What? You didn't hear? Well crawl out from under that rock and I will tell you a fun tale. Even as I type this blog my fingers cannot seem to type the right word. They keep trying to type hurricane, but noooooo, that's probably this weekend. Yes, as we are monitoring and preparing for this hurricane that we might get this weekend, we got hit with an earthquake today!

I wont give you my long drawn out "this is where I was when..." But let's just picture this...after the Earthquake hit I ran to go pick up Sydney in case there were aftershocks or who knows what. We haven't been through this before to know what happens afterwards! So I get to the daycare, and as I am there...they put the daycare on LOCKDOWN!! So I was stuck there, with Sydney until the state determined that it was safe for the schools and daycare facilities to release the children and any parents that were there when they went on lockdown. But I think that Sydney enjoyed having Mommy at "school" with her. She was so proud of herself and such a big little girl. And then I captured this perfect little picture after everything calmed down. She was such a little model. She was posing like crazy and grinning like you would not believe!!
Happy Tuesday! Good luck getting through the week and be on the lookout for Irene!!!

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