
"Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears."
--Les Brown

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Most Terrifying and Rewarding Journey you will ever take...

Anyone else ever been approaching this time of their life and all of sudden wonder what in the world you are about to get into??

In case you can't tell, this picture was 3 days before Sydney was born. Also, if you don't know, this is also my bestie Bridget who has been one of the best support systems I could have ever had going into and through every step of motherhood. Mother yet or not, no one understands me more than she does. My insecurities, my anxieties, my strengths, and my problems---she has been there every step of the way. So hidden plug to you----Thank you Bridget for being there through EVERYTHING! I could never thank you enough for your love and support. I can't wait to be along with you through your mommy-hood journey. One of many, I am sure that journey will be one of the best ones yet :).

Anyways, see thats why I need a blog---I get sidetracked easily. Back when that picture was taken, I had NO IDEA what exactly was coming for me. I also I had no idea how long it would be before I ever got to truly sleep in again, or sleep without a monitor beside my head. More experienced mommies---when in the world did you get rid of THAT thing? I feel like it will be 3 more years still, HA! I mean seriously.

Motherhood is literally the best thing that has ever happened to me, but it is the most stress and anxiety inducing thing too! I never knew all the things that there could be to worry about. And knowing my parents, especially my Dad, I know that it will be an eternity before I ever stop worrying about things. I get that from him. I am so much more anxious than people would ever imagine. I am also so stubborn and independent that I tend to reject the (asking for help) thing. If you didn't know, Sydney was milk intolerant (with pretty much all dairy actually) until just recently. Up until recently, I have stressed to no end about what she eats. Thank goodness we have more options now. But I still get so paranoid about so many things! I mean with eating---how do I get her to eat the real good stuff for her? How much of the good stuff does she need? Is it ok that she isn't walking yet? I mean I know technically that the answer to this is yes---she is just at that point where it is up to her and her comfort when she walks. and I know that rushing her will only mean more stress to me and hurt her in the end. But, still, I worry. Are we providing for her sufficiently? Are we going to save enough for college? That is like wayyyyyyyyyyyyy in the future, so more presently---what can I do to ensure her success in school now? I know these things seem like all over the place, but these are the thoughts that constantly run through my mind. Let's just say I have time to think over things a lot and that is not necessarily a good thing. Luckily any time I get with this face...
I get stress and worry free. None of my time with her is ever ruined with my worrying.

Still, Am I the only one who goes crazy about these things? I am sure not, but its still easy to think that when you are in your own head. Thanks for listening!

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