
"Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears."
--Les Brown

Friday, July 6, 2012

And so it has begun...

So an interesting thing happened to the Mitchell parents last night. Let me narrate...

After 2 glasses of milk, the milk obsessed smallest Mitchell looked at her Mama and said,

"Sydney have more milk???"

To which Mama Mitchell replied,

"Not until after we eat our dinner"

Then, as Mama sat cruising the internet and Dada was talking in the other room to a friend on the phone, little Sydney uttered these fateful words,

"I go ask Dada for milk."

And that, my friends, is how it all begins. I sat and watched, in utter disbelief, that my recently-turned-2 year old was literally playing us in front of my eyes. The thought process that I saw playing out right before my eyes shocked me. This, my little 2 year old, just realized that if you ask one and they say no, try, try again. Because not being in the conversation with me, Dada definitely filled that cup with milk and sent our little angel on her way. :)

Have a great weekend!!

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