
"Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears."
--Les Brown

Friday, April 20, 2012

Lucky 26...

Today was my birthday! Smooth lead in right? It was a very very nice day. Cory took the day off with me which pretty much NEVER happens although I never work on my birthday. Cory took Sydney to daycare in the morning and then brought me breakfast in bed. It was magical. :) So then we did what any parent would do with no child in the house.... we slept. No lie. Wasted the morning away. Then we went for a drive down to the oceanfront just to enjoy the daylight since we had slept off the morning.

Our goal was to pick Sydney up and take her to lunch with us and get her home for a good nap. We had hockey tonight so we wanted her to get a really good nap. Instead, we got to school and she was already napping. Miraculously, we got her out of school, into the car and into the house without waking her up.

Tonight we went for birthday dinner with Papa at Applebee's and the hockey. Admirals won! Last year we had birthday hockey but it didn't go so well. Much better this year. I also subtly hinted that I wanted a birthday message on the video board. When Cory kept talking about how he couldn't find the page on the website to add the messages, I was getting very aggravated. I thought for sure I would not see my name in lights. Luckily, I have a wonderful husband who very forcefully thoughtfully heard my wishes.

All in all it was a great day and it will finish out with a great weekend all around!


  1. Glad to see you had a great birthday!!!! Hopefully see you at a playoff game soon :)

  2. Happy (belated) Birthday Em! Looks like a great day!
