
"Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears."
--Les Brown

Thursday, February 23, 2012


My toddler, who also happens to be approaching the age of two, is terrible. I know that I should be more politically correct about the message coming across in this post, but I cannot help it. I am completely distraught with the events that have been going on with our little monkey. This post may seem all over the place but I am going to just try to talk this out...

I just don't know what is going on here since about Saturday. We had pink eye over the weekend so at first I thought we were just cranky because of that. Who wouldn't be cranky when they had pink eye...in both eyes. Sunday was sooo trying on the patience. And then Monday was ok. We spent the day at home together and it wasn't that bad. We painted and danced and had a good time. Tuesday doesn't stick out in my mind but Wednesday was HORRIBLE. Well horrible in the morning. And to put it very honestly...she broke me down. There was so much fighting and kicking and squirming during our morning get ready routine that we both ended up in tears on the way to and at daycare. Yes...I ugly cried for the daycare manager about how I didn't know what was wrong with my toddler but it was just "one of those mornings". Now I am pretty sure that she thinks that Sydney is out of control and that I don't know how to handle her. Which is a sentiment that I am fearing may be right as well. Cory isn't the picture of perfect patience either so I think it stresses me out even more when she misbehaves because I know if it is bothering me that he is about to go insane. I try to stay so calm. I try not to raise my voice. I try to calm her down with words to get her to start verbalizing and stop with the "EH! EH! EH! EH!" as she is pointing at what she likes. I am trying to not tell her "no" so much but to start guiding her to something else or doing something different. I thought that would help me have some control but not be so demanding on her. But apparently that doesn't do anything and only makes me look like I have no control. Then if I try to be forceful and show her "who is boss", she has the same reaction. Oh and we are at the "legs just lost their bones" falling and kicking and screaming stage. At that point I just walk away. I don't know if that is right either. So who knows. I have no idea what I am doing. But I am trying to figure it out.

She really is like super cute though. and super smart. She is eating completely independently with a spoon, at least with her yogurt. It makes me proud. She is counting on her own now from 1-10. ABC's are coming out clearer. And we sing songs like B.I.N.G.O, Where is thumpkin?, and many more. So the point is that although she has me emotionally drained from the terrible two's, I still love her to pieces and she is the highlight of my life.


  1. hang in there girl! I'm learning about the newborn stage and you're learning about the toddler stage. We will BOTH get through it!!

  2. First big hugs to you. Toddlers are tough. Developmentally they are made to push boundaries, throw fits and just make simple tasks 20 times longer. There is SO much going on in that little brain of hers that she doesn't know how to verbalize these new feelings which results in tantrums, fights etc. The fabulous news? She does this with you because you are a great mom and she knows she can do this and you still will love her to pieces. {Which is why kids are always so perfect for everyone else :) }

    Ignore the temper tantrums. Do not give in to any of them. It's so so hard but consistency will get you through this. Make sure she is safe and ignore it. Once she realizes she isn't getting your attention it's no longer fun for her. Keep the redirection going---it's a great tactic that, again, needs consistency. She'll be mad but let her be mad.

    Mornings are tough. If I had my way I'd throw a temper tantrum getting ready for work too :) She is at the age where she wants to be independent so let her. Give her a choice of 2 shirts, 2 pants etc. Sometimes a simple "do you want the blue shirt or the red shirt?" goes a long way. It takes a little longer and might take a while to get in the habit but give it a shot. Trust me, we still go through this with Ava at times. It sucks and I totally feel for you. They always know when you need to be somewhere and go so much slower.

    Please, please don't take any of this as preachy---I'm speaking as a mom and an early childhood educator. Trust me, I've been there. :) She is NOT terrible. She's a normal, thriving almost 2 year old and you are a fantastic mommy. Take a deep breath and just remember it just gets worse. haha :)
